@extends('layout.client') @section('content')
@php $totalAmount = 0; // Initialize total amount variable @endphp @if (count($products) == 0) @else @foreach ($products as $item) @php // Add the subtotal for this item to the total amount $totalAmount += $item->productdetails->offerprize * $item->quantity; @endphp @endforeach @endif
Images Name Size Price Quantity Total Remove
No data found
{{ $item->productdetails->product->name }}

{{ $item->productdetails->size }}

₹ {{ $item->productdetails->offerprize }}

{{ $item->quantity }}

₹ {{ $item->productdetails->offerprize * $item->quantity }}
{{-- The payment section , minimum purshase should be equato or more than 349 --}}
@if (count($products) > 0)
Subtotal ({{ count($products) }} {{ count($products) > 1 ? 'Items' : 'Item' }}): ₹ {{ $totalAmount }}
@if ($totalAmount >= 349) @else

Minimum subtotal ₹349 required to proceed to checkout.
